Wayfinder is a travel zine featuring the characters from The Great Ace Attorney in various locations at the beginning of the 20th century. From Gina and Gregson in France to Nikolina in America, this zine aims to celebrate the series by showing the beloved characters experiencing different locales.

The zine will take place in the canon era but not necessarily following canon events. Spoiler characters may make appearances.

This fan anthology will be a physical sfw book, with merch bundles and digital options available.

logo credit to @puchidesign

[Tentative] Schedule

Interest Check:October 8 - October 28-
Contributor Applications Open:November 7 - December 7Applications can be found here
Acceptance/Rejection Emails:December 13Results will be emailed
Pitches Finalized:December 20Finalize creation idea, including characters and location
First Check-in:January 2510 - 30% complete
Second Check-in:March 150 - 70% complete
Final Check-in:April 6100% complete
Preorders:May 1 - June 14Subject to change
Orders shipAugust-


Head / Finance / Shipping Mod
Hi, I'm Mari! I've been in love with the DGS series for several years now and wanted to make a zine of one of my favorite game series of all time. I've been in numerous zines as a contributor so I hope to use those experiences to make this zine as great as it can be.

Art / Merch Mod
Hello, I’m Toshi! Lately nothing but the victorian era/19~20th Century themes have been on my mind so I’d love to see the DGS characters in various outfits of that period of time :) looking forward to see the outcome of this zine! ♪(´ε` )

JP Communications Mod
Hi! I am Raynef, the JP communication mod! I can't express how happy I am to be a part of this wonderful zine! I will do my best!

Writing Mod
Hello! I'm Random, and I'll be your writing mod. DGS really charmed me, so I'm excited to help out!

Mod Intern

Frequently asked questions

Q. Will this be for-profit?
A. Yes. Contributors will be guaranteed a physical zine regardless of profits, and any extra money will go toward securing a full physical bundle for all contributors. Any leftover profits will be split equally.

Q. Are ships allowed?
A. No romantic ships will be allowed. The zine will be strictly platonic.

Q. How many contributors will you be accepting?
A. This number is subject to change after the interest check, but tentative numbers are 24 page artists, 6 - 8 writers and 6 - 8 merch artists. This number includes guest contributors.

Q. Will the zine ship worldwide?
A. Yes, international shipping will be available. Restrictions may apply depending on the country.

Q. Will people’s ships/content affect their chances of getting accepted?
A. No. While the zine is sfw and will NOT allow problematic content, we will not reject applicants based on what they choose to post on their personal accounts.

Q. What are the requirements for contributors?
A. Artists will be required to turn in an illustration fully colored. They may choose between a page, comic, or spot illustrations to accompany a fanfic. Writers will be required to turn in a fic that's under 2k words (subject to change).

Q. Will writers and artists be allowed to collab?
A. Yes. Artists may choose between an accompanying art piece or several spot illustrations.

Q. Is there an age restriction for the zine?
A. You must be at least 16 years old to apply, and minors will need explicit parental permission to use PayPal to receive contributor pay.

Q. What characters will be featured?
A. We intend to feature as many characters as possible. This may include one-case witnesses as well as jurors.


Application are closed

Information Document can be found here

Artist application guidelines
✧ Portfolios must include at least 3 examples of your work. Examples should be fully rendered and include a background
✧ At least one DGS/TGAA related piece is greatly preferred
✧ If you are applying for merch artist, please include examples/images of your previous merch
✧ Artists may apply for both merch and illustration positions
✧ NSFW examples are allowed as long as they are properly tagged

Writer application guidelines
✧ Must include at least 2 excerpts of your work
✧ Excerpts should be between 500 to 1000 words long
✧ Links to full fics/Ao3/portfolios may be included
✧ At least one DGS/TGAA related fic is greatly preferred
✧ NSFW examples are allowed as long as they are properly tagged

Graphic design application guidelines
✧ Must include at least 2 examples of your best work
✧ Additional portfolio may be included
✧ Previous zine graphic design not required but appreciated


會收到一本免費的書,而如果賣足夠, 你也會收到其他商品和利潤。

11月7日-12月7日: 申请开放! 如果你愿意参加,请申请。
12月20日: 敲定你要创造的东西
1月25日: 简图 (10-30% 完成)
3月1日: 50 - 70% 完成
4月6日: 100% 完成
4月20日-6月1日: 出售


更多信息请见这里 (英文)

如果你有任何其他问题、请在这里问! 用中文问可以!




最初のチェックイン締切 (10-30% 完成):1月25日
2番目のチェックイン締切(50 - 70% 完成):3月1日
最終提出期限(100% 完成) :4月6日

アンソロジーに寄稿した参加者への謝礼として、物理的な本が保証されています. 赤字のボーナスは、売上が一定の閾値に達した場合にのみ謝礼としてお送りいたします。


もっとお詳しく情報はこちらのをご覧にしてください。 「英語」
